Monday, May 02, 2005
See, this is what I'm talking about!
Today, while checking this blog at school, I clicked on the Military Free Zone link to show it to a classmate. The young white male behind me immediately cried out, "Oh good God, you people are so STUPID!" He followed with some kind of ironic apology and then turned his attention to the online quiz at the computer screen next to mine.I proceeded to explain to the classmate I was talking to how military recruiters are taking advantage of the underprivledged. The same boy interjected again, asking, "What other opportunities are there? If you're stupid, then you should join the military."
It's this exact apathy that explains why so many people get screwed over today and no one gives them a passing glance. This whole internationalist-NIMBY mentality that enforces the stereotype of the self-absorbed American. As human beings, I feel that we have an obligation to prolong humanity. And sending people over to die for a cause that they don't believe in is not the right way to go about that.
Read the full story here:
Brandi at 6:03 PM